Clean Affordable Renewable Energy

Michigan’s 2008 energy law was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support, after careful evaluation of its impact on energy bills, the electricity needs of Michigan families and businesses, how renewable energy fits in with the state’s generating fleet, and the price of power on the wholesale markets. Smart policy requires thoughtful consideration.

Michigan’s energy providers are making excellent progress toward reaching our current standard of 10 percent by 2015. Consumers Energy will invest $600 million in renewable energy over the next five years, and DTE Energy will spend $1.5 billion in direct capital investments. But there is still more work to do.

Any consideration of raising the state’s renewable energy standard should wait until after 2015, when the 10 percent standard can be evaluated on a number of key factors. Then state policymakers can decide if the standard should be raised or if there are other options, such as raising the state’s energy efficiency standards, to meet the energy needs of customers in an environmentally responsible manner.                                


